Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin pancakes are a delightful compromise—appealing to both those who strive for wholesome meals and those who simply love delicious food. The star ingredient? Incredibly nutritious pumpkin, rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as iron, potassium, and copper. Plus, it’s packed with dietary fiber, which benefits digestion, detoxification, and overall metabolism. And did we mention that pumpkin is naturally sweet? That’s right—you can skip the sugar altogether in the batter. These pumpkin pancakes are lower in calories than regular ones, making them a great addition to your menu, even if you’re watching your figure.

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Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)
Calories: 153.43 kcal
Servings: 10
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Carbs/Fat/Protein: 4.63g / 7.46g / 18.43g

Ingredients (for 10 servings)

  • Pumpkin Flesh: 400g (14.1 oz)
  • All-Purpose Flour: 120g (4.2 oz)
  • Eggs: 2
  • Sugar: 1/2 tsp
  • Salt: A pinch
  • 3.2% Kefir (or Buttermilk): 125ml (4.2 fl oz)
  • Vegetable Oil (for frying): As needed


  1. Prepare the pumpkin pancake batter. Wash and dry the pumpkin flesh, then grate it using a coarse grater. Alternatively, use a blender with a special attachment.
  2. Sift the flour for the pancakes. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the kefir and whisk thoroughly until you have a smooth, homogeneous mixture.
  3. Add the sifted flour to the egg mixture and mix well using a large whisk or a spoon. The result should be a smooth batter.
  4. Fold in the grated pumpkin, distributing it evenly throughout the pancake batter. Let the batter rest at room temperature for a minute.
  5. Heat a large skillet (about 26 cm / 10 inches in diameter) over medium heat. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil and heat it. Using a tablespoon, scoop portions of the pumpkin pancake batter and fry until golden brown.
  6. Flip the pumpkin pancakes and continue frying until golden brown on the other side. Repeat with the remaining batter.
  7. Serve with thick sour cream or natural yogurt.

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Useful Tip

For extra flavor, consider adding chopped walnuts and grated orange zest to your pumpkin pancake batter. It’ll be delicious, nutritious, and incredibly aromatic!

By the Way

You can also make a lighter version of pumpkin pancakes. Instead of frying, portion the batter onto a baking sheet with non-stick coating and bake for 15 minutes at 190°C (374°F).

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

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