Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

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Strawberries – a delightful fruit, not only known for their wonderful aroma and magical taste but also for their wide range of health benefits. They are a rich source of vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A, niacin (vitamin B3), dietary fiber, pectin, organic acids, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, and antioxidants.

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Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

Strawberries aid in flushing out salts and excess fluids from the body, combat the effects of free radicals, act as a preventive measure against cancer, improve brain function, and rejuvenate the body. Plus, the unique flavor of these berries works as a natural mood-lifter!

During the peak strawberry season, we enjoy these berries fresh, in desserts, beverages, and pies. But here’s the catch! Strawberries are the first summer fruit, and the markets are flooded with produce that’s grown with the help of chemicals. To make the right choice when buying strawberries and ensure you get the most out of these juicy berries, follow our editorial tips.

Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

Signs of Delicious Strawberries

Aroma: The first thing to consider when choosing strawberries is their aroma. Quality strawberries are fragrant! Berries with a weak scent are likely grown using nitrates.

Color: Natural strawberries are bright red, and their surface should be slightly glossy. Berries that are too dark in a deep burgundy color may have been artificially colored. Pale, underripe strawberries are not a good choice as they won’t ripen properly and will likely spoil.

Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

Size and Shape: When it comes to the shape of strawberries, there are no strict criteria. There are as many shapes as there are varieties. Don’t chase overly large berries, as they might have been pumped with water before sale. Dents and soft spots are indicators that the berries have started to deteriorate.

Stem: A strawberry should have a stem with fresh, vibrant green leaves. Dry, withered leaves are a sign of an aging berry. A useful trick: if there’s a gap between the leaves and the berry, it guarantees sweetness. On the other hand, a leaf pressed tightly against the berry suggests a tart taste.

Seeds: Take a look at the seeds: the farther apart and deeper they are, the sweeter the berry. It’s as simple as that!

Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

Armed with our recommendations, head to the market and make the most of the strawberry season – indulge in fresh delights and preserve some for the winter. Don’t forget to share this valuable information with your friends!

Do You Know How to Pick the Perfect Strawberries? 5 Secrets from the Pros

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