Crispy Kangkong

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Craving for something crunchy to grab for movie dates or simple chitchat? Crispy Kangkong Recipe is very much like your typical vegetable tempura, where you coat the vegetable in a very light batter and deep fried until crisp and golden brown. The Kangkong gets to be crispy once fried and the texture is just like eating chips – kinda makes you forget you’re eating a vegetable.

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However, making the batter stick to the leaves is the greatest challenge. If you don’t prep your leaves first, the coating will fall off the leaves once they are fried. The solution is to first dredge the leaves in cornstarch before dipping in the batter.

Also, the batter has to be kept cold to keep the coating crunchy long after you’re done frying.

Season the fried Kangkong with pinch of salt and pepper right after you take it out of the frying pan so they are not bland and you can serve them even without a side sauce.

Crispy Kangkong


  • 4 bunches kangkong leaves, cleaned & stems removed
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 cups corn starch
  • 1 pc boiled egg, grated medium
  • Salt to taste
  • 1½ cup water
  • 5 cups cooking oil


  • Clean kangkong leaves and remove the stems. Set aside.
  • Make a batter mixture by combining water, cornstarch, flour, salt & egg. Mix until smooth in consistency.
  • Heat a pan then put oil. Dip kangkong leaves one by one in batter mixture & deep-fry until crispy in medium heat.
  • Put fried leaves on a plate lined with table tissue to drain oil from the leaves.
  • Serve with catsup or sauce on the side. Enjoy!

Crispy Kangkong

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