Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail

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If you’re planning a lively party and want to impress your guests with a unique and delicious drink, consider making a blueberry mojito. This cocktail not only looks spectacular with its vibrant colors but also delights the palate with its refreshing flavors. Easy to prepare, this blueberry twist on the classic mojito is sure to become a favorite among your guests, making any occasion extra special.

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Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail

Serves: 4


  • Sparkling mineral water: 4 cups (960 ml)
  • Blueberries: 1 cup (190 grams)
  • Fresh mint: 4 sprigs
  • Lime juice: 4 tablespoons (60 ml)
  • Ice cubes: 12
  • Sugar: 2 teaspoons (10 ml)

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Prepare the Mint: Rinse the mint sprigs, shake off excess water, and pluck the leaves.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail
Prepare the Blueberries: Rinse and gently pat the blueberries dry.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail
Muddle the Ingredients: In the bottom of each glass, place a few blueberries, two teaspoons of sugar, and 3-4 mint leaves.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail Use a wooden muddler to crush the ingredients together, releasing the juices from the blueberries and the oils from the mint leaves.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail
Add Liquids: Pour the sparkling mineral water into each glass. Add the lime juice and ice cubes.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail
Mix and Garnish: Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Garnish each drink with remaining mint leaves and a few whole blueberries for an appealing presentation.

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail
Serve this refreshing blueberry mojito immediately, offering your guests a delightful cocktail that perfectly balances sweetness, tartness, and minty freshness. This drink is ideal for summertime gatherings, outdoor barbecues, or any festive occasion where a special touch is desired. Cheers to good times and great flavors!

Blueberry Mojito: The Perfect Party Cocktail

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