The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

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Delicious, aromatic, and pure white!

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The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

Unlock the secret to creating the perfect homemade mayonnaise with this recipe that delivers a thick, stable, and wonderfully creamy result. Say goodbye to store-bought versions and embrace the rich, pure white delight that is homemade mayonnaise. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this recipe will take your culinary skills to the next level. Get ready for a gastronomic adventure that will leave your taste buds craving for more!


  • 250 ml of sunflower oil (8.5 fl oz)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice


Pour the sunflower oil into a jar. Add salt and sugar to the jar. Pour in the lemon juice.

The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

Crack the egg over the jar, ensuring that the yolk remains intact.

The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

Insert an immersion blender into the jar, making sure the yolk is above the blender’s whisk, and press the whisk tightly against the bottom of the jar. To achieve a thick mayo, you must whisk the yolk exclusively!

The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

Start blending while occasionally lifting the whisk to allow the oil to flow in. Whisk for one to two minutes.

The Recipe for the Perfect Homemade Mayonnaise: Thick and Stable!

Enjoy your meal!

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