Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don’t Stick to the Pan

A kind-hearted chef, who used to feed our office in the mornings, shared this recipe out of pity. I was pregnant and always hungry…

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Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

How to Make Delicious and Tender Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Every homemaker has their own way of making pancakes. Today, we will share a special recipe with you. It will come in handy when there’s practically nothing left in the fridge, and your loved ones suddenly crave pancakes!

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan


  • 4-5 tbsp semolina
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 400g cottage cheese
  • vegetable oil
  • salt

If you like, you can add candied fruit, raisins, or finely chopped dates to the batter. Each family has its own culinary traditions and variations on how to make delicious cottage cheese pancakes with semolina.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan


Mix cottage cheese, sugar, and semolina. Remember, if the cottage cheese is too liquid, you can add more semolina. If it is lumpy and dry, you can add a little milk, water, or kefir. Let the batter rest for a while.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

Knead the dough and try to make it sticky and fluffy.

Now comes the easy part. Form small balls from the dough and lightly coat them with flour. The size of the balls depends on how big you like your pancakes. If you’re making them for your little one, try to make them smaller.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

Flatten the balls with your hand to form pancake-like disks.

Heat a frying pan and pour oil into it. Reduce the heat to medium and start frying the pancakes.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

These pancakes go very well with jam, condensed milk, or sour cream. It’s the perfect breakfast for the whole family. Leftover pancakes from breakfast can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated in the evening, although many prefer to eat them cold.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

Cottage cheese pancakes can also be a good snack at work, especially if you make them savory with herbs. However, if you’re open to trying new and unusual variations of traditional dishes, you can make pancakes without frying.

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

Everyone argues about how to make the most delicious cottage cheese pancakes. Try our recipe and share your impressions. Enjoy your meal!

Perfect Eggless and Flourless Cottage Cheese Pancakes that Don't Stick to the Pan

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