Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Discover the rich and sweet flavors of Georgia with homemade Churchkhela. This traditional snack, made with nuts and grape juice, is both delicious and nutritious. Perfect for sharing with friends and family, it’s a unique addition to any festive table.

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Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Ingredients (Serves 10):

  • Wheat flour: 750g (26.5 oz)
  • Shelled nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds): 700g (24.7 oz)
  • Natural grape juice: 3 liters (101 fl oz)
  • Corn flour: 250g (8.8 oz)


Prepare the Nuts: Roast the nuts in a dry skillet for 3–4 minutes and let them cool slightly. Rub the hazelnuts and almonds between your hands to remove the skins. Coarsely chop the walnuts.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

String the Nuts: Using a thick needle, thread the nuts (filling about 2/3 of the string) onto several sturdy 45 cm (18 inch) strings. Tie a large knot at the end of each string. Pair the strings together by their free ends and hang them over a wide rod.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Make the Grape Pudding: Pour the grape juice into a large pot, bring to a boil, and cook for 10 minutes. Set aside 1 liter (34 fl oz) of the juice in a bowl to cool. Continue boiling the remaining juice for another 10 minutes.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Mix the Flours: Gradually add the corn flour and wheat flour to the cooled juice, stirring thoroughly to dissolve any lumps.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Cook the Mixture: Slowly pour the flour mixture into the boiling juice, stirring constantly. Cook for about 25 minutes, until the mixture thickens to a pudding-like consistency.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Coat the Nuts: Place a tray under the hanging strings. Dip each string of nuts into the grape pudding, then hang them back on the rod. Once all the strings are coated and slightly dried, repeat the dipping process. Leave the strings to dry in a well-ventilated area for 2 weeks.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Store the Churchkhela: Once dried, wrap the Churchkhela in parchment paper and store it in a dark place.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Nutrition (Per Serving):

Calories: 851.00 kcal
Protein: 20.30g
Fat: 29.15g
Carbohydrates: 130.93g

Pro Tip:

For added flavor, you can mix different types of nuts or even dried fruits. Churchkhela is a fantastic snack to have on hand and makes a great gift during the holiday season.

Homemade Churchkhela: A Traditional Georgian Treat

Enjoy the delightful taste of homemade Churchkhela, a sweet and chewy treat that’s steeped in tradition and perfect for any occasion!

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