Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

Yoga is an excellent way to achieve a beautiful body. These simple and flowing exercises have an incredible effect. Start practicing, and you will be amazed at the results.

Yoga, with its variety of poses, can replace a two-hour standard workout. We have prepared the 9 best exercises for a beautiful body.

9 Best Yoga Exercises for Health and a Great Figure

Dolphin Plank Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose engages almost all the muscles in your body, especially the core.

How to do it: Lie face down on the floor, resting on your forearms, which should be bent at the shoulders, and your toes. Keep your body straight, aligning it from the crown of your head to your heels, without arching your back or lifting your hips.

Start with a 15-second plank and increase the time as your strength improves.

Half Moon Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose works the thigh muscles and opens up the hip joint. It also stretches the upper back.

How to do it: Take a step forward with your left leg, bending it at the knee and lowering your body down, while straightening your right leg. Raise your arms overhead and keep your body straight, without arching your back.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

Chair Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose effectively works the inner thigh muscles, glutes, and calves.

How to do it: Bring your feet together, slightly bend your knees, and shift your hips back (as if sitting on a chair). Raise your arms above your head with your palms facing each other. Do not arch your back.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

Tree Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose strengthens the legs and stretches the upper body.

How to do it: Stand tall, bend one leg at the knee, placing the sole of your foot against the inner thigh or inner calf of the other leg. Join your palms together above your head or at heart level.

Warrior Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

One of the best yoga poses for the glutes and calves. It also works the shoulders, upper back, and other major muscles.

How to do it: Stand on your left leg, lean forward with your arms extended, and extend your right leg backward, forming a straight line. Do not bend your left knee.

Bridge Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose strengthens the thigh muscles.

How to do it: Lie on your back, prop yourself up on your shoulder blades, bend your knees, and lift your lower back. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose strengthens almost all the muscles: shoulders, arms, chest, and back. It also stretches the thigh and calf muscles.

How to do it: Get on all fours, placing your hands shoulder-width apart and pointing your fingers forward. Press your palms into the floor, lift your body until your legs are straight, and your body forms an inverted “V” shape.

Hold for 15 seconds, repeating the exercise 5 times.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

This pose is excellent for strengthening the arms.

How to do it: Assume a prone position, supporting your body on your hands placed at chest level and bent at the elbows. Distribute your weight between your palms and the balls of your feet, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Side Plank Pose

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and waist muscles.

How to do it: Lie on your left side, raise your body off the ground, supporting your weight on your left arm and leg. Extend your right arm above your shoulder, with your palm facing forward. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulder to your ankle.

Hold for 10 seconds before switching sides.

Start your training today! Achieve a slim and toned body through yoga.

Best Yoga Exercises for a Beautiful Body

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