The refrigerator, our friend and comrade. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the existence of a modern family. It is scary to think that he might suddenly break. After all, it contains all the most delicious, and he keeps it fresh. But sometimes an unpleasant smell appears inside and spoils the appetite.

The smell needs to be removed, and we know how
Powdered activated carbon does an excellent job of this. Leave a plate with this powder in the refrigerator. During the night he absorbs all stale and extraneous odors. If you warm up your spent coal in the oven at 170-180 ° C, then it will serve you again.
As a preventive measure, activated carbon can be kept in the refrigerator constantly. To do this, you just need to make holes in the lid of a small container, put crushed tablets there and put in the door. The main thing is do not forget to periodically change the contents.
Wet cleaning with vinegar can also help. Wipe all the walls and shelves of your refrigerator with a cloth dampened with vinegar. To consolidate the effect: you can additionally leave a glass of vinegar on the shelf for a couple of hours. There is another more time-consuming method, but it will help eliminate even the most old-fashioned fragrances.

Dilute 1/1 with water and wash the refrigerator with this solution. After cleaning, leave the door open for several hours so that the pungent smell of ammonia itself disappears.
Another way is more pleasant, but more expensive. Roast a little freshly ground coffee and place in open containers in the freezer and main chambers of your home unit.
Thick and the drink itself have a similar effect and they can also be used. Please note: the drink must be hot and the refrigerator disconnected from the power supply.
If you constantly keep an open jar of soda in the refrigerator, then you are insured against unexpected aromas for months. Wet cleaning can also be done with soda. It will be very effective.
Crusts of rye bread, spread out in the refrigerator at different levels, help get rid of strange odors in the refrigerator compartment. An apple, cheese, or raw potato cut into slices has the same effect.

Tea bags laid out on shelves perfectly absorb foreign odors.
Cat filler, salt and sugar are not worse than others fight bad odors. Place them in the refrigerator in an open container, and they will do their job.
Another way: cleaning with a lemon solution. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix with water and wipe the refrigerator inside with a rag soaked in this solution. This method will perfectly fix the result of ordinary wet cleaning.

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